
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

40K, Age of Sigmar and 1870

I have been working on my stuff on and off for a while, work and many other commitments have kept me away from gaming, and specially painting. Now that I have returned to the painting table, 40K, Age of Sigmar and 1870 seem to have my attention, with pike and musket coming up afterwards.

40K: I have been working for a while in a Skitarii army. I really like these models and I think they will become what the Lizardmen are for me in Fantasy. Not only I like painting the Adeptus Mechanicus, but I like collecting them, including reading the novels and collecting the art. So, it is easy to get motivated when you like a theme.

Also I have been working on some Dark Angels, Custodians, Sisters of Silence, Orks, Eldar and Necrons, So I have my work cut out for me.....

Age of Sigar (AKA Warhammer Fantasy 9th): I went back and started to re-work on my Lizardmen, as well as getting interested in the Daugthers of Khaine and Stormacasts. Also lots of potential as I really like the models.

1870: this is a labor of love. I have my fromch in 10mm mostly done, when I do so, I will begin on the Germans and carry on with the Italians.....

So, lots of stuff going on...

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