
Sunday, April 28, 2024

 The battle of Nyenschantz 1656

last Thursday (April 25th) I played with my friend Josh another scenario for Tercios. I really enjoy that game.

Pike and shot is one of my favorite time periods and tercios is simple enough to be enjoyable and well thought enough to provide a credible experience on field vis a vis the time period, it really is a lot of fun to play.

I put together a scenario for us to play based on the Nyenschantz battle of 1656, part of the Russo-Swedish war of 1656-58 in present day St. Petersburg, In what was then called Swedish Ingria.

It was very difficult to find the actual order of battle, but with a little research I found at least some of commanders that were likely to have been there (besides Potemkin which was definitely at the battle) and by the descriptions of the battle the main battalions involved. 

so for our tercios game I designed the armies  as follows:

Tsardom of Russia:

CinC Pyotr Potemkin


Officer Khovanski, 1st Inf. Battalion, 2nd Inf Battalion, 4th Streltsi 


Officer Sheremetev, 3rd. Comp. Dragon Elite, 1st Reg Boyar, 2nd Reg. Boyar

Kingdom of Sweden

CinC: Horn

Relieving party, Cavalry

Officer: Lundqvist

1st. Cuirassier, 2nd. Cuirassier, 3rd. Cuirassier

Garrison force

Officer: Grundel , Battalion Nyen Inf. Veteran, Battalion Riga Inf. Veteran

The battle started with The swedish cavalry of table an coming in on turn 1. The Russians only could score points by attacking the fort, and the Swedish they got points by destroying Russian Units.

The game lasted 5 Turns, the game's card drive system is really good as the cards you choose may not be the right orders by the time the units get to be activated and creates enough uncertainty to make strategy and planning very important in the game.

The Russians outmaneuvered the Swedish cavalry and the Swedish infantry did a poo job in trying to dispatch the Russian pike and shot units, so the streltsi and the dragoons were able to assault the fort, even if the Swedes were able to destroy the Russian artillery battery in turn 2.

In the End it was a victory for the Russians, but it was a great time. Looking forward to playing again Tercios......

Tuesday, April 09, 2024

 After Covid-19 and a series of events that made me sideline The hobby for a long time, little by little I have returned to it. 

Last year I was able to play a game of  the Middle-Earth strategy game by GW. I built an army of riders of Rohan and played with my friend Scott. It was fun and I like the figures, they were fun to paint.

Then , last summer painted figures and have been painting and putting together terrain for Burrows and Badgers. They will be releasing the V2 of their rule set in 2025, but I got into their Facebook group to game test the rules in advance. I really like them. Its a fun great setting and the figures are very nice.

A couple of weeks ago I went to Huzzah and played Tercios with my friend Josh and that was great. This is one of my favorite time periods so got me really excited to start working on my pike and shot armies, specially since a new version of by fire and the sword will be releasing soon.

Finally, just out of the blue, Dutch, another friend from Huzzah, was looking for Art de la Guerre players, and I volunteered. We played last Saturday, and it was a lot of fun!

So all this recent activity motivated me to dive in into the closet and search all my old projects. Luckily, I had this blog, so i was able to more or less track what I was doing when I stopped completely and step away from it for whatever reasons.

so for the moment I will concentrate in finishing the ADLG figures that I already had primed and are in popsicle sticks ready to plaint, and I will prepare the pike and shit armies that I need to finish.

I am excited about this and I feel its going to be fun, I just need a bit more discipline and organization.

so let's start...

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

40K, Age of Sigmar and 1870

I have been working on my stuff on and off for a while, work and many other commitments have kept me away from gaming, and specially painting. Now that I have returned to the painting table, 40K, Age of Sigmar and 1870 seem to have my attention, with pike and musket coming up afterwards.

40K: I have been working for a while in a Skitarii army. I really like these models and I think they will become what the Lizardmen are for me in Fantasy. Not only I like painting the Adeptus Mechanicus, but I like collecting them, including reading the novels and collecting the art. So, it is easy to get motivated when you like a theme.

Also I have been working on some Dark Angels, Custodians, Sisters of Silence, Orks, Eldar and Necrons, So I have my work cut out for me.....

Age of Sigar (AKA Warhammer Fantasy 9th): I went back and started to re-work on my Lizardmen, as well as getting interested in the Daugthers of Khaine and Stormacasts. Also lots of potential as I really like the models.

1870: this is a labor of love. I have my fromch in 10mm mostly done, when I do so, I will begin on the Germans and carry on with the Italians.....

So, lots of stuff going on...

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

New projects and Deus Vult

So I have been playing a lot of Malifaux with my friend Scott, and since he has been routinely beating me like a rented mule with my traditional Ten Thunders crew, I decided to try something else. I had already bought a bunch of other crews, but they have been sitting primed on the edge of my desk now for a while, so I picked the Tara crew, a few Croolingans and a gang of Drowned and I will see if I can make some good use of them. I might add a couple of other pieces and see how it works. So I started painting the Nothing Beast from this set and it was fun. These figures are always a lot of fun to paint. the picture is taken from close, the figure actually looks better at the table top.
So, I will continue painting and I hope to have the whole set painted by next week. I might have to play them just primed, which i s awful, but at least I can see how they work together.

Also I had my 3rd game of Deus Vult of the Year. My friend Peter and I are probably the only ones that play that rule set in the entire eastern seaboard of the United States, so, as a matter of Principle we try to play at least 3 times a year. it was fun! and due to me winning initiative in every round and to some spectacular rolling on my part, my Teutonic knights Thrashed his Crusader Knights  in what will be known as the mauling of Acre.

   So, we will try to be Bold and play a 4th game before the year finishes, or even in new year's eve. lets see if it happens, so far our score is 8 games to 6 in my favor in the 5 years (not continuos) that we have been playing.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

After a long hiatus.....

So as they saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.....after re-starting with the Hobby again, my actual workload changed, and I started to have less and less time to paint or play. Then I had to travel for work and then had family commitments to attend etc....
now it seems things are going back to a stable pace before I travel again.

In the mean time, I have still played some Malifaux and had the opportunity to play ADLG a couple of times. So I have gone back and painted some Teutonic Knights in 15mm and continued painting the Malifaux Crews that I had not finished.

Also, My local hobby shop got big into 40k (again) and to jump in the bandwagon I decided to build Orks and Talons of the emperor (Sisters of silence and custodians with some inquisition in it).

Lastly I finally dragged my rear to finally get my Franco-Prussian war project started. its a long term project that will involve the whole 1859- 1871 European wars era (Austro -Prussian war, Wars of the Italian unification, the second schleswig war etc). I am building it with pendraken 10mm miniatures and well I have ways to go but at least I started.

so that is all for now and hope to keep these posts going.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Malifaux, Pikeman's Lament and Blood and Plunder

So I continue with my slow re-dedication to the hobby. Slow in terms of progress not actual comitment. I have been playing in a Malifaux campaign for the past 6 weeks and it has been fun. I think I am ready to play in a non-league setting, and I have registered to a Malifaux enforcer brawl tournament and a regular Malraux one day tournament and I am looking forward to that.
I really jumped in with both of my feet into this whole Malifaux thing.
I bought a bunch of crews and I have been painting and getting them ready. Here are some pictures of my Arcanist (Kaeris) and Ten thunders Mai Feng Crews getting done, and my Ten thunders Tengus along side with my ever growing pile of Malifaux Boxes needing attention:

I am slowly finishing up all the Crews and extra models and although it will take me some time I am enjoying it. 

I feel that I am really "Collecting" the figures since I really like them, and so it is a huge bonus that I get to play them....luckily the game, and the people I play it with, are a lot of fun so that has been a win win for me.

Last Sunday I set up a game of Pikeman's Lament with my Friends Scott and Peter at Huzzah Hobbies in Ashburn, VA. I wanted to see how well the game played and it seem to work well, specially since we were testing them with miniatires in 15mm (the ruleswere originally intended for 28mm figures). We played Swedish against Holy Roman empire Croat's around the 30 year's war setting.
The day after I tried the rules again with Scott and they were fun, I think this rule set is a good excuse to get those By Fire and the Sword armies that we have, and put them to good use. I will post pictures as games happen.

Finally, I tried Blood and plunder, a game that is based on pirates vs Colonial powers skirmish battles in the Caribbean, and it is a lot of fun! some people where I play bought into it and so they have been trying it out. I will try it again a couple of times before I jump in, but I think I will buy and build a Spanish army. The models are great and they can be used for pretty much any game of the period, which is a huge plus since I am going to dedicate a big part of this year to finish all my medieval and pike and shot armies.

That is all for now and will post updates on these systems and pictures as games happen.

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

The Return to the Hobby

I have been meaning to write again, but I really did not have anything interesting to share. I have not written in more than a year, although I did embark in several projects, with various degrees of success, during that time period. Then I went through a "funk" that made me stop painting or putting anything together. I got more into board games and dedicated more time to chit based games.

of these games Conflict of heroes

lock and load :

and Musket and pike took most of my time:

I have gotten back into the hobby slowly, however,  and in part that has been because I finally got back into playing Malifaux. I have build several crews and joined a campaign that has been fun!
I will take a few pictures of the crews I have finished and I will post them....

now I feel that I am ready to jump back into the thick of it and there are so many projects I want to start...but I will be more cautious this time around, will break up the projects into manageable sections so that I can finish them and not get discouraged when a project takes forever to even flesh out.

so for the moment all good things and looking forward to what's coming up!